Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Lincoln University Library

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Call numbers (DDC - Dewey Decimal Classification)

Please note:

  1. Call numbers always begin with a number.
  2. Second part of call# is the cutter; beginning with a letter, followed by numbers -- this usually represents the author's last.
  3. Delete any "/" or spaces in the call number in the catalog record and the on the spine label -- it looks cleaner this way 
  4. Example of a DDC Call Number: 629.287 E75 2010
    1. 629 = indicates the category (6: Technology, 2: Engineering, 9: Other branches of engineering)
    2. E75 = indicates the author (Erjavec)
  5. Always place the spine label near the bottom of the book, so that the books are generally look consistent -- it's okay if the spine label covers up some information on the book.


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